Electric Trolleys – More Comfortable and Versatile Than Regular Trolleys

Electric trolleys are not pulled or pushed but driven by an electric motor. Especially with heavy equipment and uphill climbs, electric trolleys offer significant relief. The golf swing is a movement that requires a lot of energy and concentration. Moving a trolley by oneself can tire the mind and body, stiffen muscles, and strongly influence the success of the game. Even among recreational players, electric trolleys are becoming increasingly popular.

Battery Technology: The most important component of an electric trolley, besides the motor, is the battery that provides the energy. Modern electric trolleys exclusively use Nickel-Metal-Hybrid or lithium batteries. Both have a small size and low weight, which brings significant advantages for use in a trolley. Lithium batteries are most commonly used due to their minimal self-discharge and long lifespan.

Drive and Extras: Electric trolleys are comfortably driven by handle controls and only need to be directed manually in the desired direction. Some models are available with a remote control, allowing the electric trolley to be operated completely hands-free across almost any terrain. High-quality electric trolleys come with extras like cruise control, all-wheel drive, and ultra-light frames made of carbon or titanium.

Find the Perfect Electric Trolley at Fairway Golf Shop

At the Fairway Golf Shop in Pulheim and our online shop at www.fairwaygolf.de, you'll find a wide range of electric trolleys. High-quality products from renowned manufacturers like Big Max, Flat Cat, or Jucad – at particularly fair prices. You'll also receive excellent advice for free. Go on a discovery tour and find your ideal golf equipment. We look forward to seeing you!